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This weeks brew 9/22

It's fall! Time to officially start getting the beds ready for spring:)

This also means it's a 3 brew special!


Brew 1: Foiliar Spray

16 oz of Feermented Nettle Extract from @ Casual Fields

10 oz of Dandelion, Comfrey, Nettle JLF

5 Gallons of Rain water

Spray lawn and garden plants


Brew 2: Fall Compost Tea

5 Gallons of Vermicompost, Dirt Rich Compost, Bokashi, and Frass Fungal Matt

1 Cup Molassis 

16 oz of Fermented Comfrey Extract from @ Casual Fields

6 oz of Dandelion FPJ

50 Gallons of rainwater

Aerated 12-24 Hrs

Brew 3: Fermented Comfrey Extract Tea (For use next week) 

Recipe from Causual Fields

As far as brewing teas, we have gone away from aerobics and moved more towards extraction.
It is just that compost brewing can easily go wrong with the variables involved.
Taking a cup of biologically complete compost, leaf mold, or earthworm castings and agitating it in a 5gal bucket through a paint strainer has been bulletproof.

Now, to multiply those microbes may take some trial and error
Facultative anaerobic microbiology is what we are
The carbohydrates involved is a cooked potato that is added to the filter bag and strained.
Ingredients list for a five gallon bucket (dilute finished brew in 10-20gal of irrigation water):
-1quart of fermented Comfrey extract
-2 tbsp of Tephra (ultra fine volcanic rock dust)
-1 cup of biologically complete compost, earthworm castings, or leaf mold (all of the above works too)
-1/2 lb boiled potato (just larger than the size of one’s fist)
-5gal bucket
-4gal of dechlorinated water
-1paint strainer
-a spring clip or a way to suspend the filter
All all the ingredients into the paint strainer (over the bucket) and fill. The water may be poured in through the strainer to help dislodge the microbes. Tie off the filter bag and gently agitate mix in the water.
Suspend the filter bag and place in a warm area to monitor
A bubble ring will form and this is where the trial and error comes in. There is a window of time where the microbiological activity is at its peak. The idea is to harvest the tea before this point.

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